I'd like to use NSubstitute to unit test Entity Framework 6.x by mocking DbSet. Fortunately, Scott Xu provides a good unit testing library, EntityFramework.Testing.Moq using Moq. So, I modified his code to be suitable for NSubstitute and it's been looking good so far, until I wanted to test DbSet<T>.Add()
, DbSet<T>.Remove()
methods. Here's my code bits:
public static class NSubstituteDbSetExtensions
public static DbSet<TEntity> SetupData<TEntity>(this DbSet<TEntity> dbset, ICollection<TEntity> data = null, Func<object[], TEntity> find = null) where TEntity : class
data = data ?? new List<TEntity>();
find = find ?? (o => null);
var query = new InMemoryAsyncQueryable<TEntity>(data.AsQueryable());
#if !NET40
((IDbAsyncEnumerable<TEntity>)dbset).GetAsyncEnumerator().Returns(new InMemoryDbAsyncEnumerator<TEntity>(query.GetEnumerator()));
dbset.Remove(Arg.Do<TEntity>(entity =>
dbset.SetupData(data, find);
dbset.Add(Arg.Do<TEntity>(entity =>
dbset.SetupData(data, find);
return dbset;
And I created a test method like:
public class ManipulationTests
public void Can_remove_set()
var blog = new Blog();
var data = new List<Blog> { blog };
var set = Substitute.For<DbSet<Blog>, IQueryable<Blog>, IDbAsyncEnumerable<Blog>>()
var result = set.ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count);
public class Blog
The issue arises when the test method calls set.Remove(blog)
. It throws an InvalidOperationException
with error message of
Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
This is because the fake data
object has been modified when the set.Remove(blog)
method is called. However, the original Scott's way using Moq
doesn't result in the issue.
Therefore, I wrapped the set.Remove(blog)
method with a try ... catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
block and let the catch
block do nothing, then the test doesn't throw an exception (of course) and does get passed as expected.
I know this is not the solution, but how can I achieve my goal to unit test DbSet<T>.Add()
and DbSet<T>.Remove()