I am a beginner here, but I have been dealing with this unknown issue for a while now. Please view this simple program that I have coded and explain why it will not compile for me. The thing is that I have copied this code from a teacher and it works fine on his machine. Then when I tried to run the example on my machine I get 13 errors!
Here is the first class:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class radio extends JFrame{
private JTextField tf;
private Font pf;
private Font bf;
private Font itf;
private Font bif;
private JRadioButton pb;
private JRadioButton bb;
private JRadioButton ib;
private JRadioButton bib;
private ButtonGroup group;
public radio(){
super("raido buttonseses");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
tf = new JTextField("buggedy buggedy boo", 25);
pb = new JRadioButton("plain", true);
bb = new JRadioButton("bold", false);
ib = new JRadioButton("italic", false);
bib = new JRadioButton("bold and italic", false);
group = new ButtonGroup();
pf = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 14);
bf = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 14);
itf = new Font("Serif", Font.ITALIC, 14);
bif = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC, 14);
//wait for event to happen pass in font obj to constructor
pb.addItemListener(new HandlerClass(pf));
bb.addItemListener(new HandlerClass(bf));
ib.addItemListener(new HandlerClass(itf));
bib.addItemListener(new HandlerClass(bif));
private class HandlerClass implements ItemListener{
private Font font;
// font obj gets variable font
public HandlerClass(Font f){
font = f;
//sets font to font obj that was passed in
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event){
Then here is the second main class that I have been trying to run:
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class radiobutton{
public static void main(String[] args) {
radio go = new radio();
I know someone is looking at this and thinking that the answer is so obvious, but to a beginner like me it is not very clear. Here are the errors that I have returned to me when I try to compile:
javac radiobutton.java
./JFrame.java:1: JFrame is already defined in this compilation unit
import javax.swing.JFrame;
radiobutton.java:7: cannot find symbol
symbol : method setDefaultCloseOperation(int)
location: class radio
radiobutton.java:8: cannot find symbol
symbol : method setSize(int,int)
location: class radio
radiobutton.java:9: cannot find symbol
symbol : method setVisible(boolean)
location: class radio
./JFrame.java:8: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable EXIT_ON_CLOSE
location: class JFrame
./radio.java:19: cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor JFrame(java.lang.String)
location: class JFrame
super("raido buttonseses");
./radio.java:20: cannot find symbol
symbol : method setLayout(java.awt.FlowLayout)
location: class radio
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
./radio.java:22: cannot find symbol
symbol : class JTExtField
location: class radio
tf = new JTExtField("buggedy buggedy boo", 25);
./radio.java:23: cannot find symbol
symbol : method add(javax.swing.JTextField)
location: class radio
./radio.java:30: cannot find symbol
symbol : method add(javax.swing.JRadioButton)
location: class radio
./radio.java:31: cannot find symbol
symbol : method add(javax.swing.JRadioButton)
location: class radio
./radio.java:32: cannot find symbol
symbol : method add(javax.swing.JRadioButton)
location: class radio
./radio.java:33: cannot find symbol
symbol : method add(javax.swing.JRadioButton)
location: class radio
13 errors
My guess is that this has something to do with the asterisk in the import of the java functions. Am I on the right track here? Thank you for having a look at this silly problem and any help is much appreciated.