Your code is fine as long as your account is in the administrator group on the server, you should be able to change the Task even if your not the author. Also make sure that you are running your PowerShell
console as Administrator.
But if you are not the runAs
user then you will need to supply the credentials of that user to be able to edit the Task.
Set-ScheduledTask -Password "password" -User "Domain\User" -TaskName "name" -TaskPath ...
If you want to export all the task in a scheduled task folder to XML
and then replace the author in the XML
you can you the following code. Change $_.TaskPath -eq '\'
to match the folder you want to export.
$XMLDestFolder = "C:\XML\"
Get-ScheduledTask | ?{$_.TaskPath -eq '\'} | %{
$TaskXML = Export-ScheduledTask -TaskName $_.TaskName
$TaskXML -replace "(?<=<Author>).*?(?=</Author>)","ADFP\NETMANFP" > "$XMLDestFolder$($_.TaskName).xml"