Firstly the structure you are using for the app is wrong.
let us take an example of users app
When you use Geofire, you have two lists of data:
a list of user details for each user
a list of latitude and longitude coordinates for each user
You are trying to store both in same structure like this
"users" : {
<userId> : {
"userData" : "userData",
Trying to store userdata and geofiredata in one node is a bad idea, since you're mixing mostly static data (the properties of your user) with highly volatile data (the geo-location information).Separating the two out leads to better performance, which is why Geofire enforces it.
This is why when you try to add geolocation data to a user node it overwrites previous user details for that node.
Your database structure should be like this.
"Users" : {
<UserId> : {
"UserData" : "UserData",
"Users_location" : {
<UserId> : {
<geofireData> ...
Hence for the same user Id you create 2 structures one for user details and another for geolocation details of that user.
How to push the user and set the geofire data.
String userId = ref.child("users").push().getKey();
geoFire = new GeoFire(ref.child("user_location"));
geoFire.setLocation(userId, new GeoLocation(lattitude, longitude));
the userId you use in geolocation is same as the one you got during push().
Hence for each userId you have userdetails in one structure and location details in anotehr structure.
To get the data, first you need to do GeoQuery at users_location node and then get the data on the onKeyEntered method. The parameter key is userId from my example.
geoQuery = geoFire.queryAtLocation(geoLocation), radius);
geoQuery.addGeoQueryEventListener(new GeoQueryEventListener() {
public void onKeyEntered(String key, GeoLocation location) {
//retrieve data
//use this key which is userId to fetch user details from user details structure
Happy coding :)