I am using webpack-cli 4.7.0. I have a library that I would like to compile for two different environments, one for web and one for node. According to this documentation this is easily achieved my exporting two separate, valid webpack configurations from webpack.config.js.
So I have created two valid webpack configs, one for server and one for client. Webpack outputs two separate files as specified, but insists on using "self" instead of "this" even though I have output.globalObject: "this"
specified in the configuration. If I am understanding the official documentation, such should not be the case.
const path = require( "path" );
// const webpack = require( "webpack" );
const serverConfig = {
mode: "production",
entry: "./src/Check4.js",
target: "node",
output: {
path: path.resolve( __dirname, "dist" ),
filename: "Check4.node.js",
globalObject: "this",
library : {
type: "commonjs2",
export: "default"
const clientConfig = {
mode: "production",
entry: "./src/Check4.web.js",
target: "web",
output: {
path: path.resolve( __dirname, "dist" ),
filename: "Check4.js",
globalObject: "this",
library : {
name: "Check4",
type: "window",
module.exports = [serverConfig, clientConfig];
for reference, here are the first several bytes output by webpack to show that it is using global "self" instead of "this"
(()=>{var e={172:e=>{self,e.exports=(()=>{"use strict";var e={502:...