During a job interview I had some time ago I was asked to calculate the number of positive (i.e. set to "1") bits in a bitvector-structure (like unsigned integer or long). My solution was rather straightforward in C#:
int CountBits(uint input)
int reply = 0;
uint dirac = 1;
while(input != 0)
if ((input & dirac) > 0) reply++;
input &= ~dirac;
return reply;
Then I was asked to solve the task without using without using any shifts: neither explicit (like "<<" or ">>") nor implicit (like multiplying by 2) ones. The "brute force" solution with using the potential row of 2 (like 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 etc) wouldn't do either.
Does somebody know such an algorithm?
As far as I understood, it should be a sort of more or less generic algorithm which does not depend upon the size of the input bit vector. All other bitwise operations and any math functions are allowed.