I am developing an application where I have geospatial polygons like this:
var polygon = [{"lat": -19.939323, "lng": -43.928983},
{"lat": -19.939747, "lng": -43.933103},
{"lat": -19.947291, "lng": -43.93497},
{"lat": -19.948138, "lng": -43.931451},
{"lat": -19.943882, "lng": -43.930292}]
I will receive a coordinate to say if is inside, or not, the polygon. I found, in Geometry Library of Google Maps Javascript API, a function who does exactly the same thing: containsLocation(point:LatLng, polygon:Polygon)
But this must be server-side, using node.js, is there a way to use this function on node.js, or better, is there a good library who does that?