I am facing an problem. I have built a foreach
loop in PHP:
<?php $show = false; ?>
<?php foreach ($this->items as $item) : ?>
But I want to echo the first 20 items and continue with the following 16 items.
I have managed to make it to do a break after 20 items but I am not getting the following 16 items ( starting from nr 21 ).
This is what I have so far:
<?php $show = false; ?>
<?php $i = $item->id = 1; ?>
<?php foreach ($this->items as $item) : ?>
<?php if(++$i > 20) break; ?>
If I set $i
to '21'
it still echos item 1 and so on.
Solution ## Thanks to @dhavald
<?php $show = false; ?>
<?php foreach (array_slice ($this->items, 0, 20) as $item) : ?>
By placing an array_slice
in the foreach you can control the items you want show.
So on the next div i want to show item 21 to 36, the only thing i had to change was the 0 and 20 into , 20, 36
To clarify what I am looking for, I have three divs where I want to echo some items onto it. If an user collapse a div on the first there will appear the first 20 items and if a user clicks div2 the next 16 items will appear.
How can I correct this code to make that happen?
As i forgotten to mention, the solutions you bring on helped me really to understand the process but as i used a component generator for Joomla 3.1 there is one row of code that make it a little bit more complex to call the first 20 and second 16 items.
Directly after the foreach loop there is this line of code
if($item->state == 1 || ($item->state == 0 && JFactory::getUser()>authorise('core.edit.own',' com_ncitycatemus.vraagantwoordtoevoegen.'.$item->id))):
$show = true;
How can i manage it than with the loop ? Or do you suggest another way?
Thanks in advance! Really helped me to understand the loop!!
. I was too lazy for that :D – Randolf