Say I have two vectors:
a <- c("george", "harry", "harry", "chris", "steve", "steve", "steve", "harry")
b <- c("harry", "steve", "chris", "harry", "harry", "george", "chris", "george")
What I want to do is paste together the 1st pair, 2nd pair, etc..... However, I want to paste the two elements of each pair in alphabetical order. In the above example, the first 2 pairs are already in alphabetical order, but the 3rd pair 'harry' and 'chris' are not. I want to return "chris harry" for this pair.
I have worked out how to do this in a 2 step process, but was wondering if there was a quick way (one line way) to do this just using paste
My solution:
x <- apply(mapply(c, a, b, USE.NAMES = FALSE), 2, sort)
paste(x[1,], x[2,])
which gives the pairs in alphabetical order... but is there a 1 line way?
[1] "george harry" "harry steve" "chris harry" "chris harry" "harry steve" "george steve" "chris steve" "george harry"