In NetBeans I created an Exporter class that exports some data to an EXCEL file using APACHE POI, which uses XMLBeans.
I added the APACHE POI 3.10.1 libraries by downloading the zip binaries and adding the jars manually.
When I use this class inside the same project, everything runs correctly.
Then I added this class to another project, via right click Libraries -> Add Project.
But when I tried running this I got the following error while compiling.
Signing JAR: C:\Users\c\p\dist\lib\xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar to C:\Users\c\p\dist\lib\xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar as nb-jfx
jarsigner: unable to sign jar: duplicate entry: org/apache/xmlbeans/xml/stream/Location.class
Enter Passphrase for keystore: Enter key password for nb-jfx:
C:\Users\c\p\nbproject\jfx-impl.xml:1465: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\c\p\nbproject\jfx-impl.xml:2968: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\c\p\nbproject\jfx-impl.xml:1940: jarsigner returned: 1
I don't know what this might be about, but is driving me crazy.