Angular and linear acceleration due to force vector
Angular and directional accelerations due to an applied force are two components of the same thing and can not be separated. To get one you need to solve for both.
Define the calculations
From simple physics and standing on shoulders we know the following.
F is force (equivalent to inertia)
Fv is linear force
Fa is angular force
a is acceleration could be linear or rotational depending on where it is used
v is velocity. For angular situations it is the tangential component only
m is mass
r is radius
For linear forces
F = m * v
From which we derive
m = F / v
v = F / m
For rotational force (v is tangential velocity)
F = r * r * m * (v / r) and simplify F = r * m * v
From which we derive
m = F / ( r * v )
v = F / ( r * m )
r = F / ( v * m )
Because the forces we apply are instantaneous we can interchange a
acceleration and v
velocity to give all the following formulas
F = m * a
m = F / a
a = F / m
F = r * m * a
m = F / ( r * a )
a = F / ( r * m )
r = F / ( a * m )
As we are only interested in the change in velocity for both linear and rotation solutions
a1 = F / m
a2 = F / ( r * m )
Where a1
is acceleration in pixels per frame2 and a2
is acceleration in radians per frame2 ( the frame squared just denotes it is acceleration)
From 1D to 2D
Because this is a 2D solution and all above are 1D we need to use vectors. I for this problem use two forms of the 2D vector. Polar that has a magnitude (length, distance, the like...) and direction. Cartesian which has x and y. What a vector represents depends on how it is used.
The following functions are used as helpers in the solution. They are written in ES6 so for non compliant browsers you will have to adapt them, though I would not ever suggest you use these as they are written for convenience, they are very inefficient and do a lot of redundant calculations.
Converts a vector from polar to cartesian returning a new one
function polarToCart(pVec, retV = {x : 0, y : 0}) {
retV.x = Math.cos(pVec.dir) * pVec.mag;
retV.y = Math.sin(pVec.dir) * pVec.mag;
return retV;
Converts a vector from cartesian to polar returning a new one
function cartToPolar(vec, retV = {dir : 0, mag : 0}) {
retV.dir = Math.atan2(vec.y, vec.x);
retV.mag = Math.hypot(vec.x, vec.y);
return retV;
Creates a polar vector
function polar(mag = 1, dir = 0) {
return validatePolar({dir : dir,mag : mag});
Create a vector as a cartesian
function vector(x = 1, y = 0) {
return {x : x, y : y};
True is the arg vec is a vector in polar form
function isPolar(vec) {
if (vec.mag !== undefined && vec.dir !== undefined) {return true;}
return false;
Returns true if arg vec is a vector in cartesian form
function isCart(vec) {
if (vec.x !== undefined && vec.y !== undefined) {return true;}
return false;
Returns a new vector in polar form also ensures that vec.mag is positive
function asPolar(vec){
if(isCart(vec)){ return cartToPolar(vec); }
if(vec.mag < 0){
vec.mag = - vec.mag;
vec.dir += PI;
return { dir : vec.dir, mag : vec.mag };
Copy and converts an unknown vec to cart if not already
function asCart(vec){
if(isPolar(vec)){ return polarToCart(vec); }
return { x : vec.x, y : vec.y};
Calculations can result in a negative magnitude though this is valid for some calculations this results in the incorrect vector (reversed) this simply validates that the polar vector has a positive magnitude it does not change the vector just the sign and direction
function validatePolar(vec) {
if (isPolar(vec)) {
if (vec.mag < 0) {
vec.mag = - vec.mag;
vec.dir += PI;
return vec;
The Box
Now we can define an object that we can use to play with. A simple box that has position, size, mass, orientation, velocity and rotation
function createBox(x,y,w,h){
var box = {
x : x, // pos
y : y,
r : 0.1, // its rotation AKA orientation or direction in radians
h : h, // its height
w : w, // its width
dx : 0, // delta x in pixels per frame 1/60th second
dy : 0, // delta y
dr : 0.0, // deltat rotation in radians per frame 1/60th second
mass : w * h, // mass in things
update :function(){
this.x += this.dx;
this.y += this.dy;
this.r += this.dr;
return box;
Applying a force to an object
So now we can redefine some terms
F (force) is a vector force the magnitude is the force and it has a direction
var force = polar(100,0); // create a force 100 units to the right (0 radians)
The force is meaningless without a position where it is applied.
Position is a vector that just holds and x and y location
var location = vector(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2); // defines a point in the middle of the canvas
Directional vector holds the direction and distance between to positional vectors
var l1 = vector(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2); // defines a point in the middle of the canvas
var l2 = vector(100,100);
var direction = asPolar(vector(l2.x - l1.x, l2.y - l1.y)); // get the direction as polar vector
now has the direction from canvas center to point (100,100) and the distance.
The last thing we need to do is extract the components from a force vector along a directional vector. When you apply a force to an object the force is split into two, one is the force along the line to the object center and adds to the object acceleration, the other force is at 90deg to the line to the object center (the tangent) and that is the force that changes rotation.
To get the two components you get the difference in direction between the force vector and the directional vector from where the force is applied to the object center.
var force = polar(100,0); // the force
var forceLoc = vector(50,50); // the location the force is applied
var direction2Center = asPolar(vector(box.x - forceLoc.x, box.y - forceLoc.y)); // get the direction as polar vector
var pheta = direction2Center - force.dir; // get the angle between the force and object center
Now that you have that angle pheta the force can be split into its rotational and linear components with trig.
var F = force.mag; // get the force magnitude
var Fv = Math.cos(pheta) * F; // get the linear force
var Fa = Math.sin(pheta) * F; // get the angular force
Now the forces can be converted back to accelerations for linear a = F/m and angular a = F/(m*r)
accelV = Fv / box.mass; // linear acceleration in pixels
accelA = Fa / (box.mass * direction2Center.mag); // angular acceleration in radians
You then convert the linear force back to a vector that has a direction to the center of the object
var forceV = polar(Fv, direction2Center);
Convert is back to the cartesian so we can add it to the object deltaX and deltaY
forceV = asCart(forceV);
And add the acceleration to the box
box.dx += forceV.x;
box.dy += forceV.y;
Rotational acceleration is just one dimensional so just add it to the delta rotation of the box
box.dr += accelA;
And that is it.
Function to apply force to Box
The function if attached to the box will apply a force vector at a location to the box.
Attach to the box like so
box.applyForce = applyForce; // bind function to the box;
You can then call the function via the box
box.applyForce(force, locationOfForce);
function applyForce(force, loc){ // force is a vector, loc is a coordinate
var toCenter = asPolar(vector(this.x - loc.x, this.y - loc.y)); // get the vector to the center
var pheta = toCenter.dir - force.dir; // get the angle between the force and the line to center
var Fv = Math.cos(pheta) * force.mag; // Split the force into the velocity force along the line to the center
var Fa = Math.sin(pheta) * force.mag; // and the angular force at the tangent to the line to the center
var accel = asPolar(toCenter); // copy the direction to center
accel.mag = Fv / this.mass; // now use F = m * a in the form a = F/m to get acceleration
var deltaV = asCart(accel); // convert acceleration to cartesian
this.dx += deltaV.x // update the box delta V
this.dy += deltaV.y //
var accelA = Fa / (toCenter.mag * this.mass); // for the angular component get the rotation
// acceleration from F=m*a*r in the
// form a = F/(m*r)
this.dr += accelA;// now add that to the box delta r
The Demo
The demo is only about the function applyForce
the stuff to do with gravity and bouncing are only very bad approximations and should not be used for any physic type of stuff as they do not conserve energy.
Click and drag to apply a force to the object in the direction that the mouse is moved.
const PI90 = Math.PI / 2;
const PI = Math.PI;
const PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
const INSET = 10; // playfeild inset
const ARROW_SIZE = 6
const SCALE_VEC = 10;
const SCALE_FORCE = 0.15;
const LINE_W = 2;
const LIFE = 12;
const FONT_SIZE = 20;
const FONT = "Arial Black";
const WALL_NORMS = [PI90,PI,-PI90,0]; // dirction of the wall normals
var box = createBox(200, 200, 50, 100);
box.applyForce = applyForce; // Add this function to the box
// render / update function
var mouse = (function(){
function preventDefault(e) { e.preventDefault(); }
var i;
var mouse = {
x : 0, y : 0,buttonRaw : 0,
bm : [1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3], // masks for setting and clearing button raw bits;
mouseEvents : "mousemove,mousedown,mouseup".split(",")
function mouseMove(e) {
var t = e.type, m = mouse;
m.x = e.offsetX; m.y = e.offsetY;
if (m.x === undefined) { m.x = e.clientX; m.y = e.clientY; }
if (t === "mousedown") { m.buttonRaw |=[e.which-1];
} else if (t === "mouseup") { m.buttonRaw &=[e.which + 2];}
mouse.start = function(element = document){
if(mouse.element !== undefined){ mouse.removeMouse();}
mouse.element = element;
mouse.mouseEvents.forEach(n => { element.addEventListener(n, mouseMove); } );
mouse.remove = function(){
if(mouse.element !== undefined){
mouse.mouseEvents.forEach(n => { mouse.element.removeEventListener(n, mouseMove); } );
mouse.element = undefined;
return mouse;
var canvas,ctx;
function createCanvas(){
canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = 1000;
function resizeCanvas(){
if(canvas === undefined){
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
box.w = canvas.width * 0.10;
box.h = box.w * 2;
box.mass = box.w * box.h;
var tempVecs = [];
function addTempVec(v,vec,col,life = LIFE,scale = SCALE_VEC){tempVecs.push({v:v,vec:vec,col:col,scale:scale,life:life,sLife:life});}
function drawTempVecs(){
for(var i = 0; i < tempVecs.length; i ++ ){
var t = tempVecs[i]; -= 1;
if( <= 0){tempVecs.splice(i, 1); i--; continue}
ctx.globalAlpha = ( / t.sLife)*0.25;
drawVec(t.v, t.vec ,t.col, t.scale)
function drawVec(v,vec,col,scale = SCALE_VEC){
vec = asPolar(vec)
var d = vec.dir;
var m = vec.mag;
ctx.lineWidth = LINE_W;
ctx.strokeStyle = col;
ctx.lineTo(m * scale,0);
ctx.moveTo(m * scale-ARROW_SIZE,-ARROW_SIZE);
ctx.lineTo(m * scale,0);
ctx.lineTo(m * scale-ARROW_SIZE,ARROW_SIZE);
function drawText(text,x,y,font,size,col){
ctx.font = size + "px "+font;
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.fillStyle = col;
function createBox(x,y,w,h){
var box = {
x : x, // pos
y : y,
r : 0.1, // its rotation AKA orientation or direction in radians
h : h, // its height, and I will assume that its depth is always equal to its height
w : w, // its width
dx : 0, // delta x in pixels per frame 1/60th second
dy : 0, // delta y
dr : 0.0, // deltat rotation in radians per frame 1/60th second
getDesc : function(){
var vel = Math.hypot(this.dx ,this.dy);
var radius = Math.hypot(this.w,this.h)/2
var rVel = Math.abs(this.dr * radius);
var str = "V " + (vel*60).toFixed(0) + "pps ";
str += Math.abs(this.dr * 60 * 60).toFixed(0) + "rpm ";
str += "Va " + (rVel*60).toFixed(0) + "pps ";
return str;
mass : function(){ return (this.w * this.h * this.h)/1000; }, // mass in K things
draw : function(){
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.fillStyle = "#444";
ctx.fillRect(-this.w/2, -this.h/2, this.w, this.h)
ctx.strokeRect(-this.w/2, -this.h/2, this.w, this.h)
update :function(){
this.x += this.dx;
this.y += this.dy;
this.dy += 0.061; // alittle gravity
this.r += this.dr;
getPoint : function(which){
var dx,dy,x,y,xx,yy,velocityA,velocityT,velocity;
dx = Math.cos(this.r);
dy = Math.sin(this.r);
case 0:
x = -this.w /2;
y = -this.h /2;
case 1:
x = this.w /2;
y = -this.h /2;
case 2:
x = this.w /2;
y = this.h /2;
case 3:
x = -this.w /2;
y = this.h /2;
case 4:
x = this.x;
y = this.y;
var xx,yy;
xx = x * dx + y * -dy;
yy = x * dy + y * dx;
var details = asPolar(vector(xx, yy))
xx += this.x;
yy += this.y;
velocityA = polar(details.mag * this.dr, details.dir + PI90);
velocityT = vectorAdd(velocity = vector(this.dx, this.dy), velocityA);
return {
velocity : velocity, // only directional
velocityT : velocityT, // total
velocityA : velocityA, // angular only
pos : vector(xx, yy),
radius : details.mag,
box.mass = box.mass(); // Mass remains the same so just set it with its function
return box;
// calculations can result in a negative magnitude though this is valide for some
// calculations this results in the incorrect vector (reversed)
// this simply validates that the polat vector has a positive magnitude
// it does not change the vector just the sign and direction
function validatePolar(vec){
if(vec.mag < 0){
vec.mag = - vec.mag;
vec.dir += PI;
return vec;
// converts a vector from polar to cartesian returning a new one
function polarToCart(pVec, retV = {x : 0, y : 0}){
retV.x = Math.cos(pVec.dir) * pVec.mag;
retV.y = Math.sin(pVec.dir) * pVec.mag;
return retV;
// converts a vector from cartesian to polar returning a new one
function cartToPolar(vec, retV = {dir : 0, mag : 0}){
retV.dir = Math.atan2(vec.y,vec.x);
retV.mag = Math.hypot(vec.x,vec.y);
return retV;
function polar (mag = 1, dir = 0) { return validatePolar({dir : dir, mag : mag}); } // create a polar vector
function vector (x= 1, y= 0) { return {x: x, y: y}; } // create a cartesian vector
function isPolar (vec) { if(vec.mag !== undefined && vec.dir !== undefined) { return true; } return false; }// returns true if polar
function isCart (vec) { if(vec.x !== undefined && vec.y !== undefined) { return true; } return false; }// returns true if cartesian
// copy and converts an unknown vec to polar if not already
function asPolar(vec){
if(isCart(vec)){ return cartToPolar(vec); }
if(vec.mag < 0){
vec.mag = - vec.mag;
vec.dir += PI;
return { dir : vec.dir, mag : vec.mag };
// copy and converts an unknown vec to cart if not already
function asCart(vec){
if(isPolar(vec)){ return polarToCart(vec); }
return { x : vec.x, y : vec.y};
// normalise makes a vector a unit length and returns it as a cartesian
function normalise(vec){
var vp = asPolar(vec);
vap.mag = 1;
return asCart(vp);
function vectorAdd(vec1, vec2){
var v1 = asCart(vec1);
var v2 = asCart(vec2);
return vector(v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y);
// This splits the vector (polar or cartesian) into the components along dir and the tangent to that dir
function vectorComponentsForDir(vec,dir){
var v = asPolar(vec); // as polar
var pheta = v.dir - dir;
var Fv = Math.cos(pheta) * v.mag;
var Fa = Math.sin(pheta) * v.mag;
var d1 = dir;
var d2 = dir + PI90;
if(Fv < 0){
d1 += PI;
Fv = -Fv;
if(Fa < 0){
d2 += PI;
Fa = -Fa;
return {
along : polar(Fv,d1),
tangent : polar(Fa,d2)
function doCollision(pointDetails, wallIndex){
var vv = asPolar(pointDetails.velocity); // Cartesian V make sure the velocity is in cartesian form
var va = asPolar(pointDetails.velocityA); // Angular V make sure the velocity is in cartesian form
var vvc = vectorComponentsForDir(vv, WALL_NORMS[wallIndex])
var vac = vectorComponentsForDir(va, WALL_NORMS[wallIndex])
vvc.along.mag *= 1.18; // Elastic collision requiers that the two equal forces from the wall
vac.along.mag *= 1.18; // against the box and the box against the wall be summed.
// As the wall can not move the result is that the force is twice
// the force the box applies to the wall (Yes and currently force is in
// velocity form untill the next line)
vvc.along.mag *= box.mass; // convert to force
//vac.along.mag/= pointDetails.radius
vac.along.mag *= box.mass
vvc.along.dir += PI; // force is in the oppisite direction so turn it 180
vac.along.dir += PI; // force is in the oppisite direction so turn it 180
// split the force into components based on the wall normal. One along the norm the
// other along the wall
vvc.tangent.mag *= 0.18; // add friction along the wall
vac.tangent.mag *= 0.18;
vvc.tangent.mag *= box.mass //
vac.tangent.mag *= box.mass
vvc.tangent.dir += PI; // force is in the oppisite direction so turn it 180
vac.tangent.dir += PI; // force is in the oppisite direction so turn it 180
// apply the force out from the wall
box.applyForce(vvc.along, pointDetails.pos)
// apply the force along the wall
box.applyForce(vvc.tangent, pointDetails.pos)
// apply the force out from the wall
box.applyForce(vac.along, pointDetails.pos)
// apply the force along the wall
box.applyForce(vac.tangent, pointDetails.pos)
//addTempVec(pointDetails.pos, vvc.tangent, "red", LIFE, 10)
//addTempVec(pointDetails.pos, vac.tangent, "red", LIFE, 10)
function applyForce(force, loc){ // force is a vector, loc is a coordinate
validatePolar(force); // make sure the force is a valid polar
// addTempVec(loc, force,"White", LIFE, SCALE_FORCE) // show the force
var l = asCart(loc); // make sure the location is in cartesian form
var toCenter = asPolar(vector(this.x - l.x, this.y - l.y));
var pheta = toCenter.dir - force.dir;
var Fv = Math.cos(pheta) * force.mag;
var Fa = Math.sin(pheta) * force.mag;
var accel = asPolar(toCenter); // copy the direction to center
accel.mag = Fv / this.mass; // now use F = m * a in the form a = F/m
var deltaV = asCart(accel); // convert it to cartesian
this.dx += deltaV.x // update the box delta V
this.dy += deltaV.y
var accelA = Fa / (toCenter.mag * this.mass); // for the angular component get the rotation
// acceleration
this.dr += accelA;// now add that to the box delta r
// make a box
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
var lx,ly;
function update(){
// clearLog();
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
ctx.fillStyle = "#888";
ctx.fillRect(INSET, INSET, canvas.width - INSET * 2, canvas.height - INSET * 2);
ctx.strokeRect(INSET, INSET, canvas.width - INSET * 2, canvas.height - INSET * 2);
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
if(mouse.buttonRaw & 1){
var force = asPolar(vector(mouse.x - lx, mouse.y - ly));
force.mag *= box.mass * 0.1;
box.applyForce(force,vector(mouse.x, mouse.y))
addTempVec(vector(mouse.x, mouse.y), asPolar(vector(mouse.x - lx, mouse.y - ly)), "Cyan", LIFE, 5);
lx = mouse.x;
ly = mouse.y;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
var p = box.getPoint(i);
// only do one collision per frame or we will end up adding energy
if(p.pos.x < INSET){
box.x += (INSET) - p.pos.x;
if( p.pos.x > canvas.width-INSET){
box.x += (canvas.width - INSET) - p.pos.x;
if(p.pos.y < INSET){
box.y += (INSET) -p.pos.y;
if( p.pos.y > canvas.height-INSET){
box.y += (canvas.height - INSET) -p.pos.y;
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
drawText("Click drag to apply force to box",canvas.width/2,FONT_SIZE +17,FONT,14,"black");