I have this project I am working on. the idea is to retrieve books from google book API, using angular 4
I am struggling to understand how to read the JSON response, I am still learning Angular. I was searching the internet and found this source code on GitHub google bookstore
I am getting the following error
Argument of type 'Response' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
for this line
let bookResponse = JSON.parse(body);
I am not sure if I am doing it the correct way. appreciate your help
below is my method for send HTTP request.
getBooks(searchparam: any){
let par = new HttpParams();
par.set('q', searchparam);
return this.httpClient.get('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes', {
params : new HttpParams().set('q',searchparam)
(response: Response) => {
let data = response;
return data;
below is the method to get data from HTTP request and read JSON response
getBook() {
const dataArrya = this.searchForm.get('param').value;
response => {
// console.log(this.bookData);
(error) => console.log(error)
private printData(res: Response) {
let body = res;
let books: Array<Book> = new Array<Book>();
let bookResponse = JSON.parse(body);
for (let book of bookResponse.items) {
subTitle: book.volumeInfo.subTitle,
categories: book.volumeInfo.categories,
authors: book.volumeInfo.authors,
rating: book.volumeInfo.rating,
pageCount: book.volumeInfo.pageCount,
image: book.volumeInfo.imageLinks === undefined ? '' : book.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail,
description: book.volumeInfo.description,
isbn: book.volumeInfo.industryIdentifiers,
previewLink: book.volumeInfo.previewLink
should be chained #45210906 . Thispar.set('q', searchparam)
won't work. – Lipolysisparams : new HttpParams().set('q',searchparam)
– Lipolysis