I want Fabric to stop generating a UUID on each build. What used to work with Gradle's Groovy DSL does not work with the newer Kotlin DSL. How can I achieve my goal with the Kotlin DSL?
(Gradle version 4.10.2, Fabric 1.25.4)
According to Fabric's documentation, you can add the following to your app's build script
android {
buildTypes {
debug {
// Only use this flag on builds you don't proguard or upload
// to beta-by-crashlytics
ext.alwaysUpdateBuildId = false
and this works. It prevents Fabric from generating a UUID on each debug build. However, if I convert my build script to Kotlin DSL, the following doesn't work
android {
buildTypes {
getByName("debug") {
// Only use this flag on builds you don't proguard or upload
// to beta-by-crashlytics
ext.set("alwaysUpdateBuildId", false)
Fabric ignores this value, now.
I have tried variations, such as the following:
project.ext.set("alwaysUpdateBuildId", false)
rootProject.ext.set("alwaysUpdateBuildId", false)
val alwaysUpdateBuildId by extra(false)
val alwaysUpdateBuildId by project.extra(false)
val alwaysUpdateBuildId by rootProject.extra(false)
None work.
For further reference, the Gradle task generating this value appears to be named :app:fabricGenerateResourcesDebug
, and has type DefaultTask