I'm looking for a procedure to drop system-versioned temporal tables, ideally without using dynamic SQL. I've looked through the Microsoft documentation and figured out how to get the autogenerated history table name, but I only know a little about cursors and even less about dynamic SQL.
You can't just drop a temporal table. You must first disable versioning, which will cause the history table to become an ordinary table. Then you can drop both the temporal table and its corresponding history table.
DROP TABLE [dbo].[TemporalTest]
DROP TABLE [dbo].[TemporalTestHistory]
I am using temporal tables with autogenerated history tables, so I don't know their names. However, the Microsoft docs provide information about how to list the history tables, so I have a way of getting those names.
select schema_name(t.schema_id) as temporal_table_schema,
t.name as temporal_table_name,
schema_name(h.schema_id) as history_table_schema,
h.name as history_table_name,
case when t.history_retention_period = -1
else cast(t.history_retention_period as varchar) + ' ' +
t.history_retention_period_unit_desc + 'S'
end as retention_period
from sys.tables t
left outer join sys.tables h
on t.history_table_id = h.object_id
where t.temporal_type = 2
order by temporal_table_schema, temporal_table_name
I was hoping I could use a subquery with the DROP statement, e.g. DROP TABLE (SELECT '#t')
. This throws a syntax error.
I'm looking for a stored procedure which takes two parameters: the name of the table to be dropped and whether the drop should take place if there's any data in the table (eg, must ROWCOUNT=0).
SELECT src = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id)) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(t.name), hist = QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(h.schema_id)) + N'.' + QUOTENAME(h.name) FROM sys.tables AS t INNER JOIN sys.tables AS h ON t.history_table_id = h.[object_id] WHERE t.temporal_type = 2 AND t.name=@t
– Influential