I'm learning about Basic Authentication and Jwt Authentication with Java and Spring and I want to ask you if basic authentication is a session based authentication?
I know that in a session based authentication, when the client log in, a sessionId is stored in cookie on the client browser and after that when the client make another request, the server compares the sessionId with the data stored in the memory of the server. And also I want to ask you how is the sessionId sent from client browser to server? Is it sent in the header like a token or how?
And the last question is how the server validate the Jwt token? I know that in case of session authentication, the sessionId sent from client is compared with the data from the memory of the server. But what's happen in case of Jwt authentication? The token is sent with the header and I know that the server validate it and there is no data in the memory of the server. Then how the server compares the token? Any feedback will be apreciated! Thank you!