I have hundreds of text files with the following information in each file:
*****Auto-Corelation Results******
1 .09 -.19 .18 non-Significant
S= 609
VAR(S)= 162409.70
Z= 1.51
Random : No trend at 95%
*****SENs STATISTICS ******
Now, I want to read all these files, and "collect" Sen's Statistics from each file (eg. .24
) and compile into one file along with the corresponding file names. I have to do it in R.
I have worked with CSV files but not sure how to use text files.
This is the code I am using now:
GG <- grep("*.txt", list.files(), value = TRUE)
S <- sapply(seq(GG), function(i){
X <- readLines(GG[i])
grep("SEN SLOPE", X, value = TRUE)
spl <- unlist(strsplit(S, ".*[^.0-9]"))
SenStat <- as.numeric(spl[nzchar(spl)])
SenStat<-data.frame( SenStat,file = GG)
write.table(SenStat, "sen.csv",sep = ", ",row.names = FALSE)
The current code is not able to read all values correctly and giving this error:
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
Also I am not getting the file names the other column of Output. Please help!
Diagnosis 1
The code is reading the = sign as well. This is the output of print(spl)
[1] "" "5.55" "" "-.18" "" "3.08" "" "3.05" "" "1.19" "" "-.32"
[13] "" ".22" "" "-.22" "" ".65" "" "1.64" "" "2.68" "" ".10"
[25] "" ".42" "" "-.44" "" ".49" "" "1.44" "" "=-1.07" "" ".38"
[37] "" ".14" "" "=-2.33" "" "4.76" "" ".45" "" ".02" "" "-.11"
[49] "" "=-2.64" "" "-.63" "" "=-3.44" "" "2.77" "" "2.35" "" "6.29"
[61] "" "1.20" "" "=-1.80" "" "-.63" "" "5.83" "" "6.33" "" "5.42"
[73] "" ".72" "" "-.57" "" "3.52" "" "=-2.44" "" "3.92" "" "1.99"
[85] "" ".77" "" "3.01"
Diagnosis 2
Found the problem I think. The negative sign is a bit tricky. In some files it is
SEN SLOPE =-1.07
SEN SLOPE = -.11
Because of the gap after =, I am getting NAs for the first one, but the code is reading the second one. How can I modify the regex to fix this? Thanks!