In this code I am setting an event on a disabled TextBox control called 'txtNumLabels'. I tested this code with the text box both on a Form and also with having it within a GroupBox container.
Set an event in the constructor after the 'InitializeComponent();'
this.txtNumLabels.Parent.MouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.txtNumLabels_Parent_MouseClick);
Here is the event handler -
private void txtNumLabels_Parent_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs mouseEvent)
// The Bounds property of a control returns a rectangle of its Location and Size within its parent control
Rectangle rect = txtNumLabels.Bounds;
// Other method that gets the same rectangle -
// Point t = txtNumLabels.Location;
// Size ts = txtNumLabels.Size;
// Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(t, ts);
if (rect.Contains(mouseEvent.Location))
txtNumLabels.Enabled = true;