I was looking at post's on querying in application designed with approach Event Sourcing/DDD/CQRS.
As I understand events are changes to the state of a domain object. The changes to state will be maintained as history/events in DB(any of sql/no sql).
If user wants to query to get current state for a particular aggregate root, it will involve fetching history of events.
When user will query especially business specific queries he/she will be interested in current state not the history of events.
How querying or 'Q' part in CQRS works with event sourcing?
Consider I have a domain object "Account" as aggregate root. The account AR will go through lots of changes i.e. credits debits. event store will have credit and debit events.
Consider user is required to get current balance of an account, how stream of history of events will suite here? How will user fetch current balance for given account?
I am unable to understand, How for business specific querying history of events will be useful?
-Prakhyat M M