With Angular 2.0.1, there's actually a direct way to configure hammerjs:
// app.module.ts
import { HammerGestureConfig, HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG } from '@angular/platform-browser';
export class MyHammerConfig extends HammerGestureConfig {
overrides = <any>{
// override hammerjs default configuration
'pan': {threshold: 5},
'swipe': {
velocity: 0.4,
threshold: 20,
direction: 31 // /!\ ugly hack to allow swipe in all direction
imports: [ ...],
declarations: [ ... ],
bootstrap: [ ... ],
providers: [ {
useClass: MyHammerConfig
} ]
Note that I'm using a hack to allow swipe in all direction by using the current value of Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL. Though that value might not change for a while, I'll update this post as soon as someone whispers a way to access Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL value directly from the app module.