From the above link, I used this utility to read an XLS file. If the XLS file contains different language characters like Chinese or Hindi, it does not output them correctly. Is there a workaround for this?
After Googling, I found this:
import xlrd
def upload_xls(dir,file,request):
global msg
global row_num
row_num = []
header_arr = []
global file_path
file_path = dir
#reader = csv.reader(open(file), delimiter='#', quotechar='"')
book = xlrd.open_workbook('dodgy.xls',encoding='cp1252') ##To specify UTF8-encoding
sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
valid_xl_format = 0
invalid_xl_format = 0
print "Error
But there is an error in the line book = open_workbook('dodgy.xls',encoding='cp1252')
TypeError: open_workbook() got an unexpected keyword argument 'encoding'
is extremely unlikely to be a fix for a problem with Chinese or Hindi characters -- see my answer. – Euphemia