I was looking for a solution to transparently add panning & zooming capability to a WPF Image control and I have found the solution https://mcmap.net/q/158415/-pan-amp-zoom-image, developed by Wiesław Šoltés and Konrad Viltersten, which is outstanding.
Now I would like to add a 'mouse click' event to the control so that I can the coordinates of the clicked point in the original image coordinate system, so I can use them to retrieve the pixel color.
I understand there will be some rounding and if the image is zoomed out the color will not correspond to the actual one displayed on screen. I also understand that the user may click outside the image borders, in that case I expect a null Point or negative coords to be returned.
I am not an expert of the C# way of doing transforms and at the moment I am stuck with this (to be added inside the ZoomBorder.cs class):
public Point GetImageCoordsAt(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (child != null)
var tt = GetTranslateTransform(child);
var mousePos = e.GetPosition(this);
var transformOrigin = new Point(tt.X, tt.Y);
return mousePos; // Wrong: how do I transform this?
return null;