In vxWorks, tasks is a runnable unit.
Task have TCB (Task Control Block) with a unique task space and specific priority (as you defined in the taskSpawn function).
The vxWorks scheduler can run only task, this is the minimum runnable unit (the scheduler can run the kernel itself and interrupt can run in the system).
The decision which task to run will base on the task state (must be in READY), and the task priority (in vxWorks, the highest priority is the lower number).
Note that several tasks might be in the same priority and then the kernel will run different tasks according the scheme you configured (FIFO or round robin).
In vxWorks, all tasks have the same memory space (including Kernel memory space). This is the reason that WindRiver added the "Process like" mechanism from vxWorks 6.x. Process have its own "virtual memory space" that protected by MMU.
Just to summery it for you:
Tasks have the same memory space over the system.
Threads have the same memory space within their process.
Process memory space protected by MMU.