You are trying to create two users with the same email address after defining the email as a unique field.
Maybe you can query for a user by that email address - if it exists already - return an error or update that user.
var params = {email: '[email protected]'};
User.findOne(params).done(function(error, user) {
// DB error
if (error) {
return res.send(error, 500);
// Users exists
if (user && user.length) {
// Return validation error here
return res.send({error: 'User with that email already exists'}, 403.9);
// User doesnt exist with that email
User.create(params).done(function(error, user) {
// DB error
if (error) {
return res.send(error, 500);
// New user creation was successful
return res.json(user);
Sails.js & MongoDB: duplicate key error index
There is also an interesting bit about unique model properties in the Sails.js docs
Pulled from!documentation/models
Available validations are:
empty, required, notEmpty, undefined, string, alpha, numeric, alphanumeric, email, url, urlish, ip, ipv4, ipv6, creditcard, uuid, uuidv3, uuidv4, int, integer, number, finite, decimal, float, falsey, truthy, null, notNull, boolean, array, date, hexadecimal, hexColor, lowercase, uppercase, after, before, is, regex, not, notRegex, equals, contains, notContains, len, in, notIn, max, min, minLength, maxLength