I am a little confused about how to configure CanCanCan properly.
For starters, do I have to add load_and_authorize_resource
to every controller resource I want to restrict access to?
This is what I would like to do:
- Admin can manage and access all controllers and actions
- Editor can read all, manage :newsroom, and can manage all Posts
- Member can read every Post and can create & update Posts (not edit/delete/anything else), cannot access the newsroom. The difference between an update & edit post in our business rules is that an update is creating a new post that is a child post of the current post. So it isn't an edit. Just a new record with an ancestry association.
- Guest can read every Post, but cannot create Posts nor access the Newsroom.
This is what my ability.rb
looks like:
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
user ||= User.new # guest user (not logged in)
if user.has_role? :admin
can :manage, :all
can :manage, :newsroom
# Editor
elsif user.has_role? :editor
can :read, :all
can :manage, :newsroom
can :manage, Post
elsif user.has_role? :member
can :read, :all
can :create, Post
can :status, Post
can :update, Post do |post|
post.try(:user) == user
can :read, :all
can :create, Post
can :status, Post
In my routes.rb
I have this:
authenticate :user, lambda { |u| u.has_role? :admin or :editor } do
get 'newsroom', to: 'newsroom#index', as: "newsroom"
get 'newsroom/published', to: 'newsroom#published'
get 'newsroom/unpublished', to: 'newsroom#unpublished'
What is happening though, is when I am logged in with a user that has not been assigned any roles (i.e. what I want to be a "Guest"), they can access the Newsroom.
When I try to edit a post with the role of :member
, it gives me a "Not authorized to edit post" error (which is correct).
I just can't quite lockdown the Newsroom
and I am not sure why.
authorize_resource :class => false
to authorize myNewsroom
class? – Honegger