I am trying to post data to Laravel backend with ajax, however I am getting 'CSRF token mismatch' error.
First, I've placed token in html (in body but outside its form because it's not the whole form, its only 2 elements to be posted):
<input type="hidden" name="_token" id="token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}">
Then in 'document ready', I try to post the data with ajax.
data["_token"] = jQuery('#token').val();
// Also tried this:
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': jQuery('#token').val()
console.log(data) // returns the array with _token: "esOKmY8Tpr4UvhTYMhWcWui0rpvYEjJ3es7ggics"
type: "POST",
url: '/my-route',
data: data,
success: function() {
The data which I want to post are little chunk of a bigger form, and with using this approach, I can autocomplete form. The little chunk of html inputs are not inside any other sub-form. Maybe this can be the case?
- Form:
- A: bla // to be posted
- B: hello // to be posted
- C: smt else // no post
but getting the values are working okay
Route::post('/my-route', 'AdminController@theFunction')->middleware('admin');
Edit: I changed <input>
to <meta>