I'm using Jison (Bison) to create a simple markup language. I'm clearly new to this, but slight variations are working very well. I just don't understand the source of the S/R conflict.
It doesn't seem matter that 'Text' is returned by two lexer actions (with different Start Conditions) and I like this because it seems to allow the grammar to have fewer rules and because the error messages to the user are consistent. I've tried making the 'Text' rule common regardless of context and I've also tried giving each token a different name, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the S/R Conflicts when it's all together.
The parser is SUPPOSED to create a json-object with plain-text, sub-arrays, and various special nodes.
/* lexical grammar */
%s bracketed
<bracketed>(\\.|[^\\\,\[\]])+ { yytext = yytext.replace(/\\(.)/g, '$1'); return 'Text'; }
<INITIAL>(\\.|[^\\\[])+ { yytext = yytext.replace(/\\(.)/g, '$1'); return 'Text'; }
"[" { this.begin('bracketed'); return '['; }
"]" { this.popState(); return ']'; }
"," return ','
<<EOF>> return 'END'
%start template
: sentence END
: /* empty */
| sentence Text
| sentence '[' ']'
| sentence '[' dynamic ']'
: sentence
/*| dynamic ',' sentence*/
Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is ] in state 5
- reduce by rule: sentence ->
- shift token (then go to state 6)
States with conflicts:
State 5
sentence -> sentence [ .] #lookaheads= END Text [ ]
sentence -> sentence [ .dynamic ] #lookaheads= END Text [ ]
dynamic -> .sentence #lookaheads= ]
sentence -> . #lookaheads= ] Text [
sentence -> .sentence Text
sentence -> .sentence [ ]
sentence -> .sentence [ dynamic ]
Different generator algorithms have more or less trouble, but they all seem to have trouble.