We currently use pm2 to keep our nodejs process alive, we don't use the cluster mode (and the related load balance feature).
Our php team uses supervisord to manage their php process alive, as laravel suggests. Now we are investigating the possibility of using supervisord to manage our nodejs process too. We mainly need 2 things from a process manager, keep a process alive and log the event when it crushes and restarts.
In term of keeping a process alive, I do find pm2 & supervisord share some similarities. But pm2 has more restart policies, e.g. pm2 has a CRON time which supervisord doesn't have (correct me if I am wrong). Without cron time feature, we will have to just resort to cronjob, so it is a nice-to-have feature but not a must.
supervisord has process groups and priority order, which through my experience with node, I don't find many use cases.
So to us, it seems doable, but we don't have enough experience with supervisord and we are afraid we may miss something here, especially the big one like you should not do that in the first place! Has anyone done this before?
BTW, my question is kind of the opposite of Running a python script in virtual environment with node.js pm2
--- update ---
I was asked again recently about this question.
It was not a priority for me so I didn't further investigate this problem. But because I don't use cluster in pm2 I definitely think it is doable, check this article Run NodeJs app forever using supervisor, the supervisor conf file should be just like the following,