In response to your question in your answer:
It is my understanding that when you execute consumer.poll()
a dictionary is returned. So, when I wanted to poll for information I used a loop to walk through the dictionary.
consumer = KafkaConsumer('mytopic', bootstrap_servers=[server], group_id=group_id, enable_auto_commit=True)
messages = consumer.poll()
data = []
for msg in messages:
for value in messages[msg]:
#Add just the values to the list
I believe what you are doing is getting the iterator with consumer = KafkaConsumer('mytopic', bootstrap_servers=[server], group_id=group_id, enable_auto_commit=True)
and then walking the iterator with
#start iterate
for message in consumer:
It doesn't look like you are actually getting just the 500 results from the poll. You can confirm this by adding max_poll_records=5
to your KafkaConsumer configuration. Then when you run the code, if more than 5 messages print out you can tell that you aren't using the poll functionality.
Hope that helps!