- You can do some pre and post string manipulations,which shall make you bypass '#' based tokenization, and is easy to implement. e.g
> >>> import re
> >>> import spacy
> >>> nlp = spacy.load('en')
> >>> sentence = u'This is my twitter update #MyTopic'
> >>> parsed = nlp(sentence)
> >>> [token.text for token in parsed]
[u'This', u'is', u'my', u'twitter', u'update', u'#', u'MyTopic']
> >>> new_sentence = re.sub(r'#(\w+)',r'ZZZPLACEHOLDERZZZ\1',sentence)
> >>> new_sentence u'This is my twitter update ZZZPLACEHOLDERZZZMyTopic'
> >>> parsed = nlp(new_sentence)
> >>> [token.text for token in parsed]
[u'This', u'is', u'my', u'twitter', u'update', u'ZZZPLACEHOLDERZZZMyTopic']
> >>> [x.replace(u'ZZZPLACEHOLDERZZZ','#') for x in [token.text for token in parsed]]
[u'This', u'is', u'my', u'twitter', u'update', u'#MyTopic']
- You can try setting custom seperators in spacy's tokenizer.
I am not aware of methods to do that.
UPDATE : You can use a regex to find span of token you would want to stay as single token, and retokenize using span.merge method as mentioned here : https://spacy.io/docs/api/span#merge
Merge example:
>>> import spacy
>>> import re
>>> nlp = spacy.load('en')
>>> my_str = u'Tweet hashtags #MyHashOne #MyHashTwo'
>>> parsed = nlp(my_str)
>>> [(x.text,x.pos_) for x in parsed]
[(u'Tweet', u'PROPN'), (u'hashtags', u'NOUN'), (u'#', u'NOUN'), (u'MyHashOne', u'NOUN'), (u'#', u'NOUN'), (u'MyHashTwo', u'PROPN')]
>>> indexes = [m.span() for m in re.finditer('#\w+',my_str,flags=re.IGNORECASE)]
>>> indexes
[(15, 25), (26, 36)]
>>> for start,end in indexes:
... parsed.merge(start_idx=start,end_idx=end)
>>> [(x.text,x.pos_) for x in parsed]
[(u'Tweet', u'PROPN'), (u'hashtags', u'NOUN'), (u'#MyHashOne', u'NOUN'), (u'#MyHashTwo', u'PROPN')]