I am reading a result from a MS SQL 2008 Database with a column type of dbtype.time from a datareader, using c# with DAAB 4.0 framework.
My problem is the MSDN docs say dbtype.time should map to a timespan but the only close constructor for timespan I see accepts a long, and the result returned from the datareader cannot be cast to a long, or directly to a timespan.
I found this Article whichs shows datareader.getTimeSpan() method, but the datareader in daab 4.0 does not seem to have this method.
So how do I convert the result from the datareader to a timespan object ?
SqlNullValueException - Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values
VSInvalidCastException - Specified cast is not valid
. – Strephon