The safest and cleanest way to parse any input effectively in bash is to map into an array,
mapfile -t -d, <<<"$(python"
Now you just need to make sure you script outputs the data you want to read with the chosen delimiter, "," in my example (-d
selects a delimiter, -t
trims input like newlines). The quotes are non-optional to ensure the shell doesn't separate things with spaces.
If you have a tuple of things that do not contain commas, this would be enough:
Below some easy ways for easy input, before I was more familiar with Bash:
My favorite way is reading straight into a list:
x=($(python3 -c "print('a','b','c')"))
echo ${x[1]}
echo ${x[*]}
a b c
for this reason if my_python_function returns a tuple, I would use format to make sure I just get space delimited results:
#Assuming a tuple of length 3 is returned
#Remember to quote in case of a space in a single parameter!
print('"{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(*my_python_function())
If you want this to be generic you would need to construct the format string:
res = my_python_function()
print(("{} "*len(res)).format(*res))
is one way. No need to worry about the extra space, but you could [:-1] on the format string to get rid of it.
Finally, if you are expecting multi-word arguments (i.e. a space in a single argument, you need to add quotes, and a level of indirection (I am assuming you will only be running your own, "safe", scripts):
res = my_python_function()
print(('"{}" '*len(res)).format(*res))
#my file.bash
eval x=($(python3
mapfile -t array < <(python
-- seehelp mapfile
from a bash prompt. – Mcelhaney