Is this even possible? Notepad++ for example does it, but simply trying to assign it to components like actions or menu items doesn't work. The event it is assigned to simply doesn't trigger.
So, I took my question to Google. Nada. Then, I tried stepping through the various shortcut functions, in this case TextToShortCut and ShortCutToText.
The first one, TextToShortCut, converts stuff like 'Ctrl+A' (a string) to the following 16bit value:
(uint)A | (uint)Ctrl
Works fine, mostly. However, I observed the following weirdness:
// Try converting back and forward...
TextToShortCut('Ctrl+/') = 16495
// That's incorrect. It should be:
Ord('/') or scCtrl = 16431
// Incorrect too
ShortCutToText(16495) = 'Ctrl+/'
// This is the shortcut the first line actually creates (Ctrl+o)
Ord('o') or scCtrl = 16495 // wut?
// Which is invalid, cause only caps are used
ShortCutToText(16431) = ''
What's going on here? For now, I believe the error lies in the final part of TextToShortCut: after handling the part before the + sign ("Ctrl" in this case), it will try to find a shortcut for the remaining part ("/"). However, in its current form the part after + must be a valid shortcut on its own too.
for Key := $08 to $255 do { Copy range from table in ShortCutToText }
if AnsiCompareText(Text, ShortCutToText(Key)) = 0 then
Result := Key or Shift;
So, because:
ShortCutToText('/') = 0 (failure)
MapVirtualKey('/',MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC) = 0 (failure)
... the loop fails to detect '/' as a valid shortcut.
Is this some VCL bug or am I missing something?
Here's a proof of concept (yes, I'm taking screenshots of code, but mashing this together with the Component Palette is faster than using this code directly):
Edit 1:
Edit 2:
Manually assigning 16431 to the menu item does not work.
key that is part of the numpad. But then that's what npp does. Its restore zoom shortcut is mapped toCtrl+Num /
– Precipitation