My form (look at the demo fiddle here, and I've also pasted some code below) seems not to support tabindex inside the Featherlight modal.
I think it's because of this part of Featherlight here.
How can I display a form within a modal and still let a user press the TAB
key to bounce to the next field?
It seems like I need to add a hack into the Featherlight library, which I'd rather not do.
<div style="display: none;">
<div id="modal">
My form NEEDS to support tabindex. If Featherlight is going to set tabindex to -1 for anything (even temporarily), it should only be for elements that aren't inside the modal.
<div class="mainInputWrapper">
<input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="Your Name" required id="firstname" /><span class="forValidationDisplay"></span>
<div class="mainInputWrapper">
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Your Best Email Address*" required id="email" /><span class="forValidationDisplay"></span>
<a class="role-element leadstyle-link" href="#" data-featherlight="#modal">Click here if you're interested</a>