I am having trouble passing char arrays from c++ to fortran (f90).
Here is my c++ file, 'cmain.cxx':
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" int ftest_( char (*string)[4] );
int main() {
char string[2][4];
cout << "c++: string[0] = '" << string[0] << "'" << endl;
cout << "c++: string[1] = '" << string[1] << "'" << endl;
return 0;
Here is my fortran file, 'ftest.f90':
CHARACTER*3 string(2)
CHARACTER*3 expected(2)
data expected(1)/'abc'/
data expected(2)/'xyz'/
DO i=1,2
WRITE(6,10) i,string(i)
10 FORMAT("fortran: string(",i1,") = '", a, "'" )
IF(string(i).eq.expected(i)) THEN
WRITE(6,20) string(i),expected(i)
20 FORMAT("'",a,"' equals '",a,"'")
WRITE(6,30) string(i),expected(i)
30 FORMAT("'",a,"' does not equal '",a,"'")
The build process is:
gfortran -c -m64 ftest.f90
g++ -c cmain.cxx
gfortran -m64 -lstdc++ -gnofor_main -o test ftest.o cmain.o
Edit: note that the executable can also be build via:
g++ -lgfortran -o test ftest.o cmain.o
Also, the -m64 flag is required as I am running OSX 10.6.
The output from executing 'test' is:
c++: string[0] = 'abc'
c++: string[1] = 'xyz'
fortran: string(1) = 'abc'
'abc' equals 'abc'
fortran: string(2) = 'xy'
'xy' does not equal 'xyz'
Declaring the 'string' and 'expected' character arrays in ftest.f90 with size 4, ie:
CHARACTER*4 string(2)
CHARACTER*4 expected(2)
and recompiling gives the following output:
c++: string[0] = 'abc'
c++: string[1] = 'xyz'
fortran: string(1) = 'abc'
'abc' does not equal 'abc '
fortran: string(2) = 'xyz'
'xyz' does not equal 'xyz '
Declaring the character arrays in 'cmain.cxx' with size 3, ie:
extern "C" int ftest_( char (*string)[3] );
int main() {
char string[2][3];
and reverting to the original size in the fortran file (3), ie:
CHARACTER*3 string(2)
CHARACTER*3 expected(2)
and recompiling gives the following output:
c++: string[0] = 'abcxyz'
c++: string[1] = 'xyz'
fortran: string(1) = 'abc'
'abc' equals 'abc'
fortran: string(2) = 'xyz'
'xyz' equals 'xyz'
So the last case is the only one that works, but here I have assigned 3 characters to a char array of size 3 which means the terminating '\0' is missing, and leads to the 'abcxyz' output - this is not acceptable for my intended application.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is driving me nuts!