I'm having trouble with one of my queries because of EF's change tracking and lazy loading features. The thing is that after I'm getting the result of the query, I'm using AutoMapper to map the domain objects into my business model but it keeps throwing an exception because the context has been disposed.
The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.
When I look at the resultant collection in the debugger, I see that it is a list of DynamicProxy
and not the actual entity. I tried to stop Change Tracking but that did not help. Here's my code:
public List<ContentTypeColumn> GetContentTypeColumns(Int64 contentTypeId)
List<ContentTypeColumn> result = new List<ContentTypeColumn>();
using (SCGREDbContext context = new SCGREDbContext())
ContentType contentType = context.ContentTypes.Include("Parent").AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(contentTypeId));
while (contentType.Parent != null)
contentType = contentType.Parent;
return result.ToList();
Note: If you need to look into my domain model involved in this operation you can refer to this question.