I used class made by "mayoff" (Rob Mayoff) "UIImageView+animatedGIF" which was proposed in one of the answers here on stackoverflow. UIImageView+animatedGIF
With it I can import animated .gif images in UIImageView on iOS. This class works flawlessly, but the only problem is that .gif is always looping. No matter how I export it (I am exporting image from photoshop - 67 frames, set repeat to "once") it loops forever in UIImageView.
I am importing my .gif with these two lines:
NSURL *url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"Loading" withExtension:@"gif"];
self.loadingImageView.image = [UIImage animatedImageWithAnimatedGIFData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]];
very simple and it works. I have tried setting animationRepeatCount property to 1, as recomended by Rob but that didn't do the trick. Also I have tried setting the UIImageView's animationImages property to gifImage.images too, instead of just setting the view's image property to gifImage. In that case, .gif is not animating at all.
Any ideas how to play that .gif only once? I can think of many tricks (like setting last frame of the gif to show up after some time but I'd first try something simpler if possible).
in a map view overlay #20559091. I can't get your category to animate the gif in the overlay. – Interpretation