I have a simple script to insert a new record into a Cassandra database. It works fine on my local machine, but I am getting timeout errors from the client when I moved the database to a remote machine. How do I properly set the timeout for this driver? I have tried many things. I hacked the timeout in my IDE and got it to work without timing out, so I know for sure its just a timeout problem.
How I setup my Cluster
profile = ExecutionProfile(request_timeout=100000)
self.cluster = Cluster([os.getenv('CASSANDRA_NODES', None)], auth_provider=auth_provider,
execution_profiles={EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: profile})
connection.setup(hosts=[os.getenv('CASSANDRA_SEED', None)],
default_keyspace=os.getenv('KEYSPACE', None),
consistency=int(os.getenv('CASSANDRA_SESSION_CONSISTENCY', 1)), auth_provider=auth_provider,
session = self.cluster.connect()
The query I am trying to perform:
model = Model.create(buffer=_buffer, lock=False, version=self.version)
13..': 'Client request timeout. See Session.execute_async'}, last_host=54.213..
The record I'm inserting is 11mb, so I can understand there is a delay, just increasing the timeout should do it, but I can't seem to figure it out.