Jumbled text in Unity UI
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I’m having this problem where my Unity UI text will become jumbled on scene initialization.

This is an intermittent problem that comes and goes, though it seems that all text that is in the scene through the first initial moments of the scene (Application.LoadLevel(“scene”) → MonoBehaviour.Start()) have the possibility of this happening to them.

What I mean by that is it doesn’t matter if I set up the text through editor or if I instantiate the text through code, at any point in time during the initial scene moments my text objects might get jumbled.

I am able to fix the text if I either turn the text gameobject off and on again, or if I just reset the text display string (as long as its after the frame in which MonoBehaviour.Start() has been called). Though that fix sucks and it isn’t 100%.

The font I am using is a .otf

The application I am making is for mobile and usually when the problem occurs it is on device, although it has happened in the editor a couple times before.

Any thoughts or guesses are quite welcome,
thanks for your time!

Putumayo answered 2/5 at 10:8 Comment(2)

That's tricky.. Have you checked the font size and how you are scaling it for the text? I had some trouble with that too earlier, although not the same as your problem.


I have seen this problem, also, but only within the editor while changing the font.


@Putumayo hey were you able to solve the problem? I came across something similar and couldn’t find any solution online.

Gyno answered 2/6, 2022 at 13:8 Comment(0)

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