here's my code in generating the qr code
public function getUrl($user, $hostname, $secret) {
$encoder = "";
$encoderURL = sprintf( "%sotpauth://totp/%s@%s",$encoder, $user, $hostname);
$finalEncodorURL = $encoderURL . "%26secret=". urlencode($secret);
return $finalEncodorURL;
supposedly this will generate a qr code, and it does. but when i scan this code using google authenticator app, it will generate an error
The barcode 'otpauth://totp/[email protected]&secret=UOPKN6QFW3J6PW74' is not a valid authentication barcode.
but when "manual entry" using the secret key, it'll work and i can login just fine using the generated key.
i found stuffs in the internet saying i should urlencode the data, i did, but still it wont work.
here's a sample url generated by the function above:[email protected]%26secret=UOPKN6QFW3J6PW74
am i missing something or did something wrong?