I'm currently working on a smart home project, which conects sensors and that stuff. The main server runs on a Raspberry Pi, and was designed using Node JS. On the local network, you can access the system web page and see logs, users and manage the sensors.
I would also like to add a camera streaming. I have an IP camera, and I would like to connect it to the same network, and be able to see it live on a web page. I don't mind having some delay or latency, and I don't need to access the service outside of my home network.
I searched a little, but I could not find any easy solution. I read about RTSP and RTMP protocols, and that they may be helpful in these cases. I alo read that there are some plugins available, like VLC and Quick Time, but I would prefer a solution that does not require them. Apparently, HTML5 supports that, but I wasnt able to move forward on that. Browser support should not be an issue, as I pretend to use only Google Chrome, and the last version of it. So if there are any plugins that are easy to integrate and compatible with Chrome, that should be fine!
I also found some services like these:
They appear to offer some free services, but I'm not sure if this is the best solution.
So, could anyone help with this situation? How can I easily stream video from an IP camera to a Web Browser in my local network (even with latency or lag)?
Thanks, Igor!