Your code is fine, even so here are a couple of examples where a numeric and an alphabetical sort is applied on button clicks.
The alphabetical sort is a good example of sorting on 2 attributes. In this case, the primary sort is done on the 'firstname', the secondary sort is done on the 'lastname'.
The numerical sort is quite flexible, if you provide a boolean value of true for the numeric parameter of the sort field, the sort will cast the attribute to a number and sort by number. If you provide a boolean value of false, the built-in string compare function is used. Each of data items is cast to a String() function before the comparison. With the default value of null, the first data item is introspected to see if it is a number or string and the sort proceeds based on that introspection.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
<mx:Button label="Sort by first then last name" click="sortItemsByName()"/>
<mx:Button label="Sort by number" click="sortItemsByNumber()"/>
<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{items}"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="number"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="firstname"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="lastname"/>
<mx:ArrayCollection id="items">
<mx:Object number="3" firstname="John" lastname="Brown"/>
<mx:Object number="1" firstname="Kate" lastname="Brown"/>
<mx:Object number="4" firstname="Jeremy" lastname="Ryan"/>
<mx:Object number="5" firstname="Joe" lastname="Wilson"/>
<mx:Object number="2" firstname="Greg" lastname="Walling"/>
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.collections.Sort;
import mx.collections.SortField;
* Sort the arraycollection by the firstname and then the last name
* */
private function sortItemsByName():void{
var srt:Sort = new Sort();
srt.fields = [new SortField("firstname"), new SortField("lastname")];
items.sort = srt;
* Sort the arraycollection numerically
* */
private function sortItemsByNumber():void{
var srt:Sort = new Sort();
srt.fields = [new SortField("number", true, false, true)];
items.sort = srt;
Also here is the language reference for the sortField...
...and the Adobe livedocs reference for data providers and collections...
...and here is a good livedocs reference for sorting and filtering...