Figure out the glyph width without refection and supress when out of line:
In the following code I turn on and off sorting while autoadjusting column width to the column header text width. The difference in width between sorting on/off will reveal the width used by the column sort glyph.
As column looses the glyph when column width is set less than autoadjusted width I supress it by inserting symetric left and right column padings.
I also use a dictionary to store ColumnWidth events by datagridview instance to turn width events on and off while seting the width.
I call this crazy code both to autoadjust initial column widths and to manage the column header padings when user drags column widths.
void AdaptColumnHeaderText(DataGridViewColumn column, bool autoSize=false)
//Supress column width events
if (dataGridViewColumnWidthEventHandlers.ContainsKey(column.DataGridView))
dataGridView1.ColumnWidthChanged -= dataGridViewColumnWidthEventHandlers[column.DataGridView];
//Save initial column with as preferred
var w_preferred = column.Width;
if (
column.SortMode.Equals(DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic) &&
//remove all header padding
column.HeaderCell.Style.Padding = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);
//Fit column width to header text with AND sort glyph
column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.ColumnHeader;
//save column width sort enabled
var w_sort = column.Width;
//Fit column width to header text with NO sort glyph
column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;
//save column width when sort disable
var w_nosort = column.Width;
//Calculate width consumed by sort glyph
var w_glyph = w_sort - w_nosort;
//Nominal column width if glyph width applied left and right of header text
var w_nominal = w_glyph + w_nosort + w_glyph;
//Disable column width autosize
column.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None;
//Enable column autosorting
column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
//If autosize option - ignore preferred width and set to nominal
if (autoSize)
w_preferred = w_nominal;
//Pad depending on final column width
if (w_preferred >= w_nominal)
//Preferred width greater than nominal - pad left of text to balance width used by glyph
column.HeaderCell.Style.Padding = new Padding(w_glyph, 0, 0, 0);
//Two symetric glyphs will not fit - pad left and right to supress glyph
w_glyph = (w_preferred - w_nosort) / 2;
column.HeaderCell.Style.Padding = new Padding(w_glyph, 0, w_glyph, 0);
column.Width = w_preferred;
Console.WriteLine("name:{0}, glyph:{1}, w_preferred:{2}", column.Name, w_glyph, w_preferred);
//re-enable column width events
if (dataGridViewColumnWidthEventHandlers.ContainsKey(column.DataGridView))
dataGridView1.ColumnWidthChanged += dataGridViewColumnWidthEventHandlers[column.DataGridView];