I'm looking to replace PHP with something better (everybody seems to say that PHP is evil, right ?), and considering server-side JavaScript.
node.js seems very popular, but I'm afraid I'll go crazy with asynhronous stuff. Is it possible to write normal (synchronous) code under node ?
My whishlist: web and command-line scripting, good performance (on the
The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game , V8 seems to be an order of magnitude faster than PHP), preferably developed by some company or community so that it will not be just abandoned someday, user community with a decent modules library.
I don't consider various frameworks based on Rhino, as Rhino runs in Java, and I'm not into Java, aware of it's memory footprint, and the whole idea of compiling javascript to java makes no sense to me.
Spent some time googling, and found numerous projects: Myna, Meteor, GromJS, APE, GLUEscript, v8cgi, silkjs, wakanda, GPSEE, sorrowjs, ejscript, Persevere, PhantomJS.
Does somebody have any experience with those ? Any recommendation are welcome.