I am converting a ColdFusion application to C# (I'm a CF n00b).
I have a script that performs a cfquery and then cfloop's through the results, and it appears to be trying to compare the current row to its following row. And it appears to be trying to make sure that it doesnt try to read past the end of the array.
<cfquery name="qTripLegs" datasource="#sdb#">
<cfloop query="qTripLegs">
<cfif (customs_stop[currentrow] NEQ "" OR fuel_stop[currentrow] NEQ "") AND recordcount GT currentrow AND departure[currentrow] NEQ arrival[currentrow+1]>
It feels like currentrow is 1-based (currentrow will have a value of 1 when it first enters the cfloop). Am I correct? I have looked in the coldfusion documentation and I dont see anything about this.