I'm trying to set two cookies in Apache (2.2), using mod_header, like so:
Header set Set-Cookie "poodle=noodle;path=/;Secure;HttpOnly;Expires=Wed, Jan 01 2020 2:02:02 GMT"
Header set Set-Cookie "tweedle=puddle;path=/;Secure;HttpOnly;Expires=Wed, Jan 01 2020 2:02:02 GMT"
But only the last cookie is being sent to the browser. I've done some searching, but only found people having this problem with no solution. I've tried combining them into one:
Header set Set-Cookie "poodle=noodle;tweedle=puddle;path=/;Secure;HttpOnly;Expires=Wed, Jan 01 2020 2:02:02 GMT"
Same problem. Do I need to use "Header append" instead? Any examples would be appreciated.