I know how to use CtrlP. I type ctrl+p, then I start to write file name, ... and so on. But, ... I am very lazy developer. I want to directly send to CtrlP current word. I know how to get current word:
let l:currentWord = expand('<cword>')
In Vim Language, ... I How can I send l:currentWord to CtrlP?
map <F6> :call ComposerKnowWhereCurrentFileIs()<CR>
function! ComposerKnowWhereCurrentFileIs()
let l:currentWord = expand('<cword>')
let l:command = "grep " . l:currentWord . " ../path/to/composer -R | awk '{print $6}' | awk -F\\' '{print $2}'"
let l:commandFileFound = l:command . ' | wc -l'
let l:numberOfResults = system(l:commandFileFound)
if l:numberOfResults == 1
let l:fileName = system(l:command)
let l:openFileCommand = 'tabe /path/to/project' . l:fileName
exec l:openFileCommand
echo "Too many files :-( - use CtrlP ;-) "