I am currently using Polly to limit the number of requests I send. This is the policy I currently have:
private AsyncPolicyWrap<HttpResponseMessage> DefineAndRetrieveResiliencyStrategy()
HttpStatusCode[] retryCodes = {
var waitAndRetryPolicy = Policy
.HandleResult<HttpResponseMessage>(e => e.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable || e.StatusCode == (HttpStatusCode)429)
attempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), (exception, calculatedWaitDuration) =>
_log.Info($"Bitfinex API server is throttling our requests. Automatically delaying for {calculatedWaitDuration.TotalMilliseconds}ms");
var circuitBreakerPolicyForRecoverable = Policy
.OrResult<HttpResponseMessage>(r => retryCodes.Contains(r.StatusCode))
handledEventsAllowedBeforeBreaking: 3,
durationOfBreak: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
onBreak: (outcome, breakDelay) =>
_log.Info($"Polly Circuit Breaker logging: Breaking the circuit for {breakDelay.TotalMilliseconds}ms due to: {outcome.Exception?.Message ?? outcome.Result.StatusCode.ToString()}");
onReset: () => _log.Info("Polly Circuit Breaker logging: Call ok... closed the circuit again"),
onHalfOpen: () => _log.Info("Polly Circuit Breaker logging: Half-open: Next call is a trial")
return Policy.WrapAsync(waitAndRetryPolicy, circuitBreakerPolicyForRecoverable);
I have the following request sender:
private async Task<string> SendRequest(GenericRequest request, string httpMethod, string publicKey, string privateKey)
var resiliencyStrategy = DefineAndRetrieveResiliencyStrategy();
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var httpRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod(httpMethod), request.request))
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request);
string json64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json));
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json64);
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Properties.Settings.Default.BitfinexUri);
var hashMaker = new HMACSHA384(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(privateKey));
byte[] hash = hashMaker.ComputeHash(data);
string signature = GetHexString(hash);
httpRequest.Headers.Add("X-BFX-APIKEY", publicKey);
httpRequest.Headers.Add("X-BFX-PAYLOAD", json64);
httpRequest.Headers.Add("X-BFX-SIGNATURE", signature);
var message = await resiliencyStrategy.ExecuteAsync(() => client.SendAsync(httpRequest));
var response = message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return response;
As soon as the code hits the waitAndRetryPolicy
and awaits the required amount of time, I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The request message was already sent. Cannot send the same request message multiple times.'
I understand that this is happening because I am sending the same HttpRequest again but shouldn't the Polly library handle such an issue?
await message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
. – Modesta