I have bundles ultisnips and youcompleteme installed on my macvim.
The problem is that ultisnips doesn't work because tab is bound by ycm.
I tried putting let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = "<s-tab>"
so that I can trigger the snippet completion with shift-tab, but it doesn't work for some unknown reason. I could use caps as the trigger, but so far I've found no way to do that.
Do any of you use those two add-ons together? What can I do to make shift-tab work? Can you recommend another key to trigger snippets?
and so does UltiSnips, IIRC. You should ask to YCM's author, I guess. – Alastair:verbose map <S-Tab>
, it will probably not work on command line vim though. A pretty good replacement imo is<CR>
. – Detection