I just installed Oracle Instant Client 18_3 with the SDK. The PATH and ENV variable is set as instructed on the install page but I get the OCl.dll not found error. I searched the entire drive recursively and no such DLL exists.
So now what?
With the install instructions (not updated for 18_3) and
downloads there are MISTAKES at step 13, so watch out for that.
When you create the folder structure for the downloads just write them the old way "c:\oraclient". Then when you unzip the basic, SDK and instant Client install for Windows 10_x64 extract them to "C:\oraclient\", because they all write to the same default folder. Then, when you set the ENV variable (which is no longer ORACLE_HOME, but now is OCI_LIB64) and the PATH, you will point to "C:\oraclient\instantclient_18_3".
To be sure you got it all right drill down and look for any duplicate "instantclient_18_3" folders. If you do have those cut and paste the CONTENTS to the root folder "C:\oraclient\instantclient_18_3\" folder.
Whoever works on the documentation at Oracle needs to troubleshoot better.
I've seen "C:\oreclient_dir_install", "c:\oracle", "c:\oreclient" and "c:\oraclient" all mentioned as install directories, all for Windows x64 installs
BTW, install the C++ redist it helps.
The 18.3 Basic package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable.
part of yourPATH
environment variable? – Unbeaten