New to symfony here
I have a two connection setup in my config/packages/doctrine.yaml
Connection 1 is default; //connects to localhost:mysql:root:password:local_db
Connection 2 is remote; // connection to a server
Is it possible to generate an Entity class using the cli tool php bin/console make:entity Product
to generate entity in a custom directory.
When I run the above command the "Product" enttity class gets generated in my src/Entity/
directory but I want it to be generated according to our needs,
so lets say in scenario 1 I want it to generate the Entity class in src/Entity/Customer/
directory and
in scenario 2 I want it to generate the Entity class in src/Entity/Products/
directory. If I am able to do this then, the migrations and entity mappings becomes a lot easier for me.
regenerate, overwrite help, quiet, version, ansi, no-ansi, no-interaction, env,no-debug
– Sherrodphp bin/console make:entity
and maker will ask you for the Entity name, then type first letters of the directory and tab, maker will autocomplete the directory. – Segno